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Article in L'Indice bohémien

Belle entrevue avec Lise Millette de L’Indice bohémien, le journal culturel de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Heureuse de vous présenter le résultat que vous trouverez au

De la couleur contre la douleur, 2024 edition

Once again this year, I will take part in this exhibit presented by the Artistes de coeur collective. This is the 15th edition of the event which will take place this year from November 28 to December 1st in Saint-Lambert's multi-purpose centre. As usual, a portion of the profits will go to the Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes to support abused women and children who find refuge in a shelter. I hope to see you at the vernissage on Thursday, November 28 starting at 6pm.

Go visit Le Vivoir!

Located in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Le Vivoir presents artworks from over 50 artists from Québec. Several of my pieces are now on display in this beautiful boutique. Enjoy!

A presence in Saguenay!

Very happy to announce that some of my artworks will now be on display at the gallery L'art de vivre in Saguenay. I'm sure you will receive a warm welcome from owner Frédérique Girard if you have the opportunity to drop by.

Boulevard des arts

I will be guest artist at painter Monique Campion's studio during the upcoming Boulevard des arts event held from September 2 to 10. The studio is located at 135 ch. Favreau in Dunham, Qc. Looking forward to meeting you there!

Upcoming event: de la couleur contre la douleur

This exhibition is held every year during the 12 days of action for the elimination of violence against women. This year, work from nearly 40 artists will be presented at the Multi-Purpose Center of Saint-Lambert and 20% of the profits will be donated to the Fédération des Maisons d’Hébergement pour Femmes. Hope to see you at the vernissage on November 24!